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New Report from Soukias Jones - Discover 6 ideas to brand innovation & lawtech

There is growing evidence of buyers changing their habits to acquire ‘legal’ services from new sources. This is good news for the Big Four and swarm of alternative legal service providers, and a potential problem for all but a handful of premier law firms.

What’s more, a recent survey revealed 70% of in-house counsel were not sure what technology solutions their panel firms were using. 

In this climate, no firm can afford not to be clear, compelling or distinct on what they offer, why, and how it is different. Yet the evidence suggests otherwise. 

‘From Confusion to clarity: How law firms brand innovation and lawtech    from Soukias Jones Design examines the performance of the top 30 UK law firms. The findings paint a mixed picture. Only a small band of firms adopt anything like brand-led approach, most however, are not.

For a free copy of the Soukias Jones report click here


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